Wooden Venetian Blinds

Since the material is wood, used in spaces that are natural, warm and stylish decorative appearance. Fabric curtains can be used alone as it is used in a way that is compatible with.

A control mechanism and running down the wooden curtain slides horizontally around its own axis returns, and thus the required amount of light curtains that can cut. Light insulation in addition to 65% thermal insulation performs. Both can easily be mounted on the ceiling and wall.

Password is a tree that grows in the Far East raw materials. Zigil fixed in place due to the system can be used. Can be mounted to the wall and the roof. Easily cleanable with a wet cloth, long lasting curtains. Curtain slides humidity environment because it's made of wood should be used. There are two different types of classic and lake.

Wooden Venetian blinds - 25 mm

25 mm. Wooden Venetian blinds in the flip bar is used to change the direction of the curtain. This wooden 25mm Venetian blinds-WIDTH 170 cm maximum 25cm minimum can be made. This wooden 25mm Venetian blinds slanted ceiling and glass applications can be used in the same manner as the skirt portion and the inclination can be given. Considered standard sized, 25mm wood blinds curtains 200cm in length of this occupy a space of 30cm when assembled. Max 300cm tall curtains can be made.

Wooden Venetian blinds 50 mm

To change the direction of the curtain, the IP is used. 50mm wooden Venetian blinds-width 47cm Minimum, Maximum 180cm can be made. Wood blinds 50mm blinds on the application of tilt cannot be performed. Considered standard sized, 30cm length of 50 mm. when you have gathered curtains wooden blinds occupy a space of 25cm. Maximum 300 cm tall curtains can be made.

Wooden Venetian Blinds - Lake

Lake series, the same raw material is obtained by acquiring a shiny appearance of polished colored this time with a lacquer finish. The differences in color and tone does not occur. Belt with a width of 50 mm are manufactured.


To change the direction of the curtain, the IP is used. Lacquered wooden Venetian blinds 50mm minimum 47cm maximum of 180cm can be made. Wood blinds 50mm blinds on Lake of the tilt application cannot be performed. Considered standard sized, 30cm length of 50 mm. when you have gathered curtains wooden blinds occupy a space of 25cm. Maximum 300 cm tall curtains can be made.


  • Stylish and hot for wood view
  • Blend with furniture and other decorative elements
  • 25mm and 50mm thickness options
  • The practical solution between two pieces of glass in the system
  • Durability and long product life

25mm wooden Venetian blinds

25 mm. Wooden Venetian blinds in the flip bar is used to change the direction of the curtain. This wooden 25mm Venetian blinds-WIDTH 170 cm maximum 25cm minimum can be made. This wooden 25mm Venetian blinds slanted ceiling and glass applications can be used in the same manner as the skirt portion and the inclination can be given. Considered standard sized, 25mm wood blinds curtains 200cm in length of this occupy a space of 30cm when assembled. Max 300cm tall curtains can be made.

To see the parts used in this product click here.


50 mm wooden Venetian blinds

To change the direction of the curtain, the IP is used. Wooden Venetian blinds 50 mm-minimum width 47 cm, maximum 180 cm can be made. 50 mm wood blinds Tilt blinds on the application cannot be performed. Considered standard sized, 30cm length of 50 mm. wooden blinds curtains occupy a space of 25 cm when assembled. Maximum 300 cm tall curtains can be made.

To see the parts used in this product click here.


Lacquered Wood Venetian Blinds

Lake series, the same raw material is obtained by acquiring a shiny appearance of polished colored this time with a lacquer finish. The differences in color and tone does not occur. Are manufactured with a belt width of 50 mm.

Perdenin yönünü deðiþtirmek için ip kullanýlýr. 50mm’lik Lake Ahþap Jaluzi Perde minimum 47cm, maksimum 180cm yapýlabilmektedir. 50mm’lik Lake ahþap jaluzi perdelerde eðim uygulamasý gerçekleþtirilemez. Standart boy olarak kabul edilen 200cm boyda 50 mm. ahþap jaluzi perdeler toplandýðýnda 25cm yer kaplamaktadýr. Maksimum 300 cm boyunda perde yapýlabilir.



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